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Dec 25, 2017

I hope over the holidays you have time to tap into you, and your self care. Today, to inspire that, I talk with Shel Pink, who built the brand, Spa Ritual, a self-care product brand based in Ayurveda. She’s recently launched a book, Slow Beauty, which shares rituals and recipes to feed the body and nourish the soul. It’s a beautiful book, very inspiring, and very down to earth Ayurveda--it is very accessible to those who are not - yet - very into Ayurveda.


I rap with Shel Pink about self care:

  • Tune in to the ease, simplicity, and lack of barriers of an Ayurvedic self-care practice
  • Understand how to build in the seasonal and fluid nature of self-care rhythms and rituals


What you'll get out of tuning in:

  • Slow Beauty as a form of meditation / The “Spiritualization of Beauty”
  • “How To” – Slow Beauty mapping
  • Daily/weekly/monthly rituals to form your slow beauty practice
  • Anti-anti-aging – Holding youth rather than growing old


Show Highlights:

  • 9:02 – Do you read the labels on your skin care products such as sunscreen?
  •  12:53 – Self care is for everyone. Price should not be a barrier to self care and the philosophy behind Slow Beauty.
  •  17:00 – Cate and Shel discuss mapping a seasonal and changing self-care practice.
  •  21:12 – How do we deal with overwhelm as we try to align to the stately, slow beauty of self care in the high-paced modern world?




Favorite Quotes:

  • “I think people globally are feeling the pinch of stress, anxiety, depression, and entrepreneurs in the health and wellness fields are launching brands that speak to that need. And consumers are waking up and realizing that they can make purchasing decisions that meet their own needs.”  – Shel Pink
  • “All for wellness, wellness for all. It is our birthright.” – Shel Pink
  • “I really recommend a seasonal approach to self-care practice. To connect to nature and to realize the fluid and changing nature of reality.” – Shel Pink
  • “It’s these slower practices that are going to help us reduce stress and anxiety.” – Shel Pink