Dec 14, 2017
I talk about what the energies of vata, pitta, and kapha are in the human system and how to put them to work for you. You can tap into your next level of rhythm, flow, and efficiency when you tap into your doshas. So if you’re wanting your doshas to work for your dharma, this show is for you.
Once we really understand how vata, pitta, and kapha work, then we can really tell when they are out of balance, then we can use our understanding of them to bring more balance and ease to our lives. For example, a person without a lot of ‘flow’ or water in their lives, needs to be mindful of that and build habits around flow. Dana Skoglund and I dive down into the founding ideas of Ayurveda for a practical take that you can begin to use right away.
I rap with Dana Skoglund about:
What you’ll get out of tuning in:
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