Jun 27, 2016
Right around the time I interviewed Sarah Kerr a close
colleague's father died. I could hear Sarah so clearly because of
the contrast between her work and what is normal in our culture.
Sarah's passion is helping individuals, families, and communities
to find spiritual practices and ceremonies that that honor our
souls’ experiences as we move through life transitions.
And she is impressively skillful and gifted in this work. She loves
being with people in the depths of what is real. She loves helping
people develop better language skills and stories around dying and
death. Her background is in a mix of shamanism, intuitive medicine,
while sporting a PhD in Transformative Learning.
Sarah knows how to deeply land simple truths
- Your values are rooted in nature and community.
- You know that illness, death and loss are an important part of
your spiritual journey.
- Your family or community needs help finding a healing path
through death.
I learned a ton and changed my language right away with my
In this conversation I talk with Sarah Kerr
- How to clear up the confusion around dying and death
- How to improve our language and communication skills, especially
with children, around dying and death
- Curing vs. healing in dying...
What else is in this Episode :
- Treating Cats with Ayurveda
Links from the Conversation:
-[A Healing Ritual for Abortion](http://soulpassages.ca/a-healing-ritual-for-abortion-part-1/)
- [Raw Food diet for cats](http://feline-nutrition.org/nutrition/easy-raw-feeding-for-the-busy-person)
-[Health Concerns Astra Essence Tablets](http://amzn.to/28VrD7D)
- http://www.catinfo.org/?link=felinediabetes)
I have a Masters Degree in Environmental Philosophy, a Masters
Certificate in Intuition Medicine, and a PhD in Transformative
Learning. I have also been a long-time student of cross-cultural
shamanism and nature-based spirituality, and have worked with many
indigenous and western teachers. I’ve made my own journeys
through darkness and difficulty, into healing and resolution.
Favorite Quotes
"Cats are obligate carnivores and, as such, are uniquely adapted to
consume a diet that is high in protein, contains a moderate amount
of fat, and includes a very small amount (2-3 percent) of
Since nature designed them to ingest very few carbohydrates, cats lack many of the important enzymes that are necessary to process this type of food efficiently.
With the above information in mind, consider the fact that the
carbohydrate level of most dry foods is between 35-50 percent with
some of the lower quality dry foods being even higher."