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Jun 28, 2013

Dr. Claudia Welch and Cate Stillman engage in a conversation to help women shift their health through taking their daily routines to the next level of integrity. It's a precursor conversation to the Healthier Hormones e-course in which you learn Dr. Claudia's method for balancing your hormones to balance your life.

Jun 26, 2013

Learn how to open your sinuses passages to unlock stuck patterns in your mental and emotional body. This hour interview with Dr. Mary Jo Cravatta, of will shift your understanding of your subtle body anatomy.

Jun 2, 2013

As a yoga teacher or healer, you can : design your career to earn more without working more, create an easy path for your favorite clients/students to deeply commit to their wellness journey, jump income levels and start to save for your elder years. Listen to Cate share the first steps to implement a clear...