Jun 25, 2018
On today’s podcast Jessica Graham Robinson and Kirstin Pinit rap about how to keep you and your family healthy and happy this summer. Summers can be tough; the days stay lighter later, the kids are out of school, and they don’t have a consistent schedule, which in turn can wreak havoc on the parents schedules....
Jun 18, 2018
Jessica Graham Robinson talks with us today about loving our bodies, body integrity and feeling comfortable in our own skin. It is SO important for us to feel good about the bodies that we live in, not just so that we feel good in a bathing suit, but also so that we continue to make life choices that are in alignment...
Jun 11, 2018
We all know that hydration is important and absolutely essential for our survival. But did you also know that water makes our skin look lustrous and supple? Or that water lubricates our digestive tracts and makes us pooping champions? Or that it gives us energy and vibrancy and helps us to look healthy, shiny, and...
Jun 4, 2018
Slow down. Pause. Take a deep breath. Ask yourself, “What do I need right now?” Notice how much more present, centered, and in touch with yourself you feel.
Sometimes we move so quickly through life that we forget to take the time to enjoy deep, calming breaths…. And they are so important! When we restrict our...