Oct 31, 2016
What does Lucas Rockwood put in his pie hole? It rhymes with phat. We don’t actually get to that part until very last. You’ll first have to slog through the Why the ”hope for the best business model” is a dead end model.
Stacking things on top of things: the forcing function
I rap with Lucas Rockwood about Work + Life as a Yoga Pro
What you’ll get out of tuning in
Lucas Rockwood is a yoga teacher trainer, digital nomad, green food junkie, and serial entrepreneur.
With a formal yoga training background in Hot Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Gravity Yoga, and the Yoga Trapeze, Lucas has studied with some of the most well-respected teachers on the planet. His most influential teachers (all of whom he studied with personally) include Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Paul Dallaghan, Alex Medin, Gabriel Cousens MD, and SN Goenka.
Lucas founded Absolute Yoga Academy in 2006, one of the top 10 yoga teacher training schools in the world with 2,000 certified teachers (and counting) and courses in Thailand, Holland, United Kingdom, and The Philippines.
In search of nutritional products designed specifically for achy yoga students’ bodies, Rockwood worked with senior nutritional formulator, Paul Gaylon, and founded, YOGABODY Naturals, in the back of his yoga studio in 2007. The company has gone from strength-to-strength and is now an internationally-renowned nutrition, education, and publishing organization serving 81 countries.
Learn More About Lucas
Favorite Quotes
“There’s a learning curve for Growth and Development”
“Because I’m a good student, I’m a good teacher”
Word or Term of the Week
A forcing function is a constraint where the user "is forced" to complete a task based on a limited, paired down set of features or controls. Forcing functions help streamline, simplify or minimize how a user interacts with a design.