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Sep 29, 2016

I met Angus Nelson at Podcast Movement. I was super curious because he coaches corporate leaders who are suffering in the corporate environment and I'm starting to match Yoga Health Coches with companies to run our 10 week Body Thrive program. We jumped right into the reality of the current employee lifestyle and how...

Sep 26, 2016

Dr. Mary Jo is a pro on helping people detox. As mandated by her guru she created a line of subtle energetic potions to help people with emotional clearing as they release ama in detox. In today's show Dr. Mary Jo shares the important question for moving through the thick of deeper emotional detox and...

Sep 22, 2016

A year ago I was emailing with Yogi Surprise - the cool subscription box for Yogis. Receiving the Yogi Surprise box at my door each month was like opening a present made especially for me. When Jameson Morris, the co-owner figured out I was emailing from his hometown - we were psyched.
Jameson talks about the...

Sep 19, 2016

I'm a generalist, not a specialist.

For years clients have come with their food allergy list. Now there are tests like the MRT, which diagnoses the foods that create inflammation for you.   In this conversation with Lila Ojeda, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who is also trained in yoga and Ayurveda, we compare notes...

Sep 16, 2016

Some part of us knows deeply and knows better. The yogis named this part of the self Buddhi. Obviously it has the same root a Buddha - Buddha is a word in the very old Nepalese and Indian languagesPāli and Sanskrit which means "Enlightened one".  You have an enlightened part of the Self -and that part is usually quite...